
Univ. of Cassino and Southern Lazio Lectures, Italy April – June, 2016 World Capitalism in Crisis

From April through June in 2016 I had an opportunity to deliver the lecture at the University of Cassino and the Sourthern Lazio, Italy. I prepared the files for it. Now that one year passed, a plan has emerged in my mind that I might arrange and edit the files in such a way as readable as a sort of book. Here is the result of this plan.

Univ. of Cassino and Southern Lazio Lectures, Italy  April – June, 2016

        World Capitalism in Crisis

Guest Prof. Toshiaki Hirai


Part I Global Capitalism and the Economies 
Lecture 1  How Should We Grasp Capitalism and Globalization?
Lecture 2  Financial Liberalization and Instability
Lecture 3  Whither Capitalism (the Market Society)?
Lecture 4  The Euro Crisis
Lecture 5  Self-Trapped Japanese Economy 
Lecture 6  Quantitative Easing Policy in the US and Japan
Lecture 7  What Is Happening to Economics?

Part II. What Keynes Achieved for the Modern World

Lecture 8  The Life of Keynes
Lecture 9  Keynes’s Economics in the Making
Lecture 10  Social Philosophy in Interwar Cambridge
Lecture 11  Employment Policy in the Making
Lecture 12  Welfare State in the Making
Lecture 13  Commodity Control Scheme
Lecture 14  Relief and Reconstruction Problem
Lecture 15  International Monetary System