1. 主宰および参加予定コンファランス
・History of Economics Society, Syracuse University, New York, June, 2010.
・2nd International Workshop on Globalization, Autumn 2010, Sophia University
・7th International Keynes Conference at Sophia, Sophia University
2. 終了したコンファランス
・The 5th International Conference on Keynes (at Sophia Univ.) の開催 [17 (Tues.) -18 (Wed.), March 2009]
報告ペーパー:“International Design and the British Empire”
・The 2nd International ESHET-JSHET Conference (at Hitotsubashi Univ.) [20 (Fri.) – 22 (Sun.) March, 2009]
報告ペーパー:“Walras, Wicksell and Keynes – The Dissemination and Influences in Europe and Japan”
・The ESHET Conference (University of Aristotle, Tessaloniki, Greece) [23-26 April, 2009]
報告ペーパー:“Aimed at the Stabilisation of Commodity Prices — Keynes’s Hopes Betrayed and the Transmutation Process of the International Control Scheme”
・経済学史学会(慶応大学) [30-31 May, 2009]
報告ペーパー:「未刊の著『正しい政策』― ホートリーの社会哲学をめぐって」
・The HES Conference (University of Colorado Denver) [26-29 June, 2009]
報告ペーパー: “On Hawtrey’s Unpublished ‘Right Policy’ ”
・The UK HET Conference (University of Manchester) [2-4 September, 2009]
報告ペーパー: “On Hawtrey’s Unpublished ‘Right Policy’ ”
・As an Organizer
Graz Workshop: Globalization: Past, Present and Future --- International and Transdisciplinary Workshop, 29 and 30 Jan. 2010, University of Graz, Austria
More than ten scholars from EU as well as from Japan attended there from the fields of Social Philosophy and Economics, Regional Studies on China and Colombia. The participants earnestly discussed Globalization from an interdisciplinary point of view. It was a very successful and friendly workshop, indeed.
・As an Organizer
(6th) International Keynes Conference, 2 and 3 March 2010, Sophia University
Distinguished (from abroad [Italy, UK, USA, India, China] and Japan) economists participated in it.
・As an Organizer of a Session (with Profs. A. Komine (Ryukoku Univ.) and Y. Kimura (Saitama Univ.))
European Society for the History of Economic Thought Conference (Univ. of Amsterdam) 25-28 March, 2010.
The site concerned is: http://www.eshet.net/conference/index.php?p=33
・9月29日(火) 研究機構Festival (上智大学)講演 題目「市場社会論のケンブリッジ的展開」(13:10-13:40 2号館17階 1702会議室)
[公開講座]「資本主義はいずこへ -「よみがえる」ケインズ」
藤沢ルミネプラザ9F 15:30-18:30
・11月13日(金) 一橋大学社会科学古典資料センター 講話
題目「戦間期イギリスの経済学 - いくつかの文書を踏まえつつ」
・11月28日(土) 名古屋市立大学研究会 報告