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2016年の大統領選挙をめぐるロシアの干渉、およびプーチンとトランプのきなくさい関係を調査しているミュラー・チームは、キプロスにあったFBME銀行― いまは閉鎖されている -の保有していたデータの提供を、キプロス中央銀行に要請している。
 トランプ陣営にあって、選挙対策委員長であったマナフォートは、ウクライナの政権と深い関係にあり、彼はそこから巨額の報酬を得ていた。今秋に明らかになったフリンの場合は、トランプ陣営にとってもっと衝撃的なものであった。フリンは、ロシアやトルコなどとの情報コンサルタント的契約を結んでの活動を長年にわたって続けてきた、もとスパイ将校である。トルコとの関係では、エルドアンが最も適している宗教家 (アメリカ在住)を拉致・誘拐する案に乗り、成功すれば巨額の報酬を得る、という契約にまで至っていた。このフリンはトランプ政権の最高位のポスト(首席補佐官)に就いたのだが、おそらくこうした問題によるのであろう、1か月も経たずに辞任に追い込まれていた。フリンは6月頃にはミュラー・チームにより事実上の逮捕状況におかれていたが、それが公表されたのは秋も深まってからのことである。ロシアとの関係を最も深く知るフリンが、いわゆる司法取引に応じており、そのことでミュラー・チームはロシア疑惑に関係する重要な情報を握った、とされている。

商務長官 (Secretary of Commerce) ウィルバー・ロス (Wilbur Ross)


90年代にトランプのタージ・マハール・カジノ (アトランティック・シティ) を助けたことがある。

ロスは、かつて、キプロスの最大の銀行の副頭取として活動していたが、この時の彼の活動は、プーチンの側近との濃厚な関係をもって行われていた。キプロスはEUのメンバー国であるが、抜け穴の多い国で、ロシアのオリガルヒは、ここを資金移動の抜け道として利用していることでよく知られている。ロスはここであやしげな取引 (巨額の資産を格安でロシア側の陣営に譲ったりしている)。ロスはこうした種類の取引で財をなしてきた人物として広く知られている)。





トランプは、ミュラーを解雇させたくて仕方がないのだが、この問題は、下手をすると、トランプの弾劾 (impeachment) に一気に向かう危険性を含んでいるようである。いわゆる司法妨害のもう1つの事例となる可能性が高い(もう1つはコミ―の解雇である)。



FBI investigates Russian-linked Cyprus bank accused of money laundering

Request for financial information may be connected to inquiries into possible conspiracy between Trump and Kremlin
• Explainer: What is Trump’s history with Russia?
Stephanie Kirchgaessner and Sara Farolfi
Sun 24 Dec ‘17 10.01 GMTLast modified on Sun 24 Dec ‘17 15.59 GMT

The FBI has asked officials in Cyprus for financial information about a defunct bank that was used by wealthy Russians with political connections and has been accused by the US government of money laundering, two sources have told the Guardian.
The request for information about FBME Bank comes as Cyprus has emerged as a key area of interest for Robert Mueller, the US special counsel who is investigating a possible conspiracy between Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Kremlin.
Trump-Russia investigation: the key questions answered

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People familiar with the FBI request told the Guardian that federal investigators and the US Treasury approached the Central Bank of Cyprus in November seeking detailed information about FBME, which was shut down this year.
One person familiar with the FBI request said it appeared to be connected to Mueller’s ongoing examination of Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign manager who was indicted in October, and money that flowed between former Soviet states and the US through Cypriot banks.
The Central Bank of Cyprus, which in 2014 placed FBME under administration in a direct response to US action and obtained full access to the bank’s data, declined to comment. The US special counsel’s office also declined to comment.
FBME has vigorously denied accusations that it has been a conduit for money laundering and other criminal activity.
The owners, Lebanese brothers Ayoub-Farid Saab and Fadi Michel Saab, issued a statement following a series of recent critical articles about the bank and denied all wrongdoing.
Business Today: sign up for a morning shot of financial news

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Bloomberg reported last week that FBME was the subject of two US investigations: one into the bank’s credit card unit, and another into alleged laundering of money from Russia. Bloomberg said the Russia-related investigation, which is being led by the US attorney’s office in New York, was connected to a flow of illegal Russian funds into the New York real estate market.
FBME, previously known as the Federal Bank of the Middle East, was based in Tanzania but about 90% of its banking was conducted in Cyprus. A report by the US Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) in 2014 said the bank was an institution of “primary money laundering concern”.
The report found that the bank was evading efforts by the Central Bank of Cyprus to supervise its activities, and that FBME was facilitating money laundering, terrorist financing, transnational organised crime, fraud, sanctions evasion, weapons trading and political corruption.
A 2014 internal report by the Central Bank of Cyprus about FBME that was obtained by the Guardian found that FBME had banking relationships with several Russians who were considered to be politically sensitive clients and that about half of the bank’s clients were Russian nationals, including Vladimir Smirnov, who is close to Putin, and Aleksandr Shishkin, a member of Putin’s political party.
FBME was subjected in 2016 to what is known as a “fifth special measure”, a hard-hitting US regulatory tool that was established after the 9/11 attacks to address law enforcement concerns in the banking sector. The move prohibited the bank from doing business in the US or using US dollars, and barred US banks from opening or using any bank accounts on FBME’s behalf. In effect, it shut the bank down. FBME has challenged the decision but US courts have so far upheld the move.
It is not clear why Mueller and his team of investigators appear to be interested in FBME’s financial data. But it indicates that the special counsel is continuing to examine money flows from Cyprus.
Manafort has pleaded not guilty to charges that he laundered millions of dollars through foreign banks as part of a scheme to hide his work for political parties in Ukraine. He is accused of funnelling the funds through foreign shell companies, including many that were based in Cyprus.
Manafort’s attorney, Kevin Downing, has called the charges, including those related to his use of offshore accounts, “ridiculous”.
A spokesman for FBME bank told the Guardian that Manafort was never a client of FBME.
Mueller’s team has separately issued a subpoena for information from Deutsche Bank. According to a person close to the bank, the subpoena was issued in the autumn. The German bank is Trump’s biggest lender.
Deutsche also worked as a correspondent bank for FBME. Internal emails seen by the Guardian show that executives from both banks were in contact in 2014 discussing accounts that were “on the radar” of US law enforcement.
Deutsche Bank said in a statement: “We severed our relationship with FBME in 2014 and have added more than 1,000 anti-financial crime staff in recent years to make our business safer and increase our controls.”


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下記のサイトは、この点できわめて重大な事実を述べている。話し手のエルズバーグは、最初のWhistle Blower として有名である。彼は、アイゼンハワー時代にアメリカの核戦争計画の中枢に勤務していた人物であり、その内容を暴露した人物である。1971年の、いわゆる「ペンタゴン文書」がそれである。それによると、アイゼンハワー政権は、対ロシアにたいし、戦争状況になった場合、「ソ連全土の全都市、中国の全都市にたいし一斉に核攻撃を実施する」という内容で、これは架空の話としてではなく、アイク政権下で現実作戦として練られていたものである。そしてそれによる死者の数は「3億人」(添付の図を参考)とされているのである。もちろん、これはソ連側が反撃してきた場合の、アメリカ側、ヨーロッパ側の死者を考慮していない数値である。


 この事態はいまから35年も前のことである。イスラエルのネタニヤフ首相が対イランでの核開発にたいし、たびたび、「その施設を破壊する」と述べていた(そのたびに、アメリカに制止されていた) のも、こうした先例がある話である。


Daniel Ellsberg Reveals He was a Nuclear War Planner, Warns of Nuclear Winter & Global Starvation


Daniel Ellsberg Reveals He was a Nuclear War Planner, Warns of Nuclear Winter & Global Starvation

North Korea declares new UN sanctions are 'act of war'

Pyongyang threatens countries will pay a ‘heavy price’ for backing resolution to ban 90% of petroleum exports
Sun 24 Dec ‘17 09.15 GMTFirst published on Sun 24 Dec ‘17 05.43 GMT

The latest United Nations sanctions against North Korea are an act of war and tantamount to a complete economic blockade, the country’s foreign ministry said on Sunday, threatening to punish those who supported the measure.
The UN security council unanimously imposed new sanctions on North Korea on Friday for its recent intercontinental ballistic missile test, seeking to limit its access to refined petroleum products and crude oil, and its earnings from workers abroad.
The UN resolution seeks to ban nearly 90% of refined petroleum exports to North Korea by capping them at 500,000 barrels a year and, in a last-minute change, demands the repatriation of North Koreans working abroad within 24 months, instead of 12 months as first proposed.
The United States-drafted resolution also caps crude oil supplies to North Korea at 4m barrels a year and commits the council to further reductions if it were to conduct another nuclear test or launch another ICBM.
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In a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency, North Korea’s foreign ministry said the US was terrified by its nuclear force and was getting “more and more frenzied in the moves to impose the harshest-ever sanctions and pressure on our country”.
The new resolution is tantamount to a complete economic blockade of North Korea, the ministry said.
“We define this ‘sanctions resolution’ rigged up by the US and its followers as a grave infringement upon the sovereignty of our republic, as an act of war violating peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and the region, and categorically reject the ‘resolution’,” the ministry said.
North Korea on 29 November said it successfully tested a new ICBM that put the US mainland within range of its nuclear weapons.
North Korea’s nuclear weapons are a self-defensive deterrence not in contradiction of international law, its foreign ministry added.
“We will further consolidate our self-defensive nuclear deterrence aimed at fundamentally eradicating the US nuclear threats, blackmail and hostile moves by establishing the practical balance of force with the US,” the ministry said.
“The US should not forget [for] even a second the entity of the DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea], which rapidly emerged as a strategic state capable of posing a substantial nuclear threat to the US mainland,” it added.
North Korea said those who voted for the sanctions would face Pyongyang’s wrath.
“Those countries that raised their hands in favour of this ‘sanctions resolution’ shall be held completely responsible for all the consequences to be caused by the ‘resolution’ and we will make sure for ever and ever that they pay heavy price for what they have done.“
Tension has been rising over North Korea’s nuclear and missile programmes, which it pursues in defiance of years of UN security council resolutions, with bellicose rhetoric coming from both Pyongyang and the White House.
In November, North Korea demanded a halt to what it called “brutal sanctions”, saying a round imposed after its sixth and most powerful nuclear test on 3 September constituted genocide.
UN warns tough North Korea sanctions risk hurting millions in need of aid

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US diplomats have made clear they are seeking a diplomatic solution, but proposed the new, tougher sanctions resolution to ratchet up pressure on the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un.
China, with which North Korea does some 90% of its trade, has repeatedly called for calm and restraint from all sides.
The Chinese foreign ministry on Saturday said the new resolution also reiterated the need for a peaceful resolution via talks and that all sides needed to take steps to reduce tensions.
Widely read Chinese state-run tabloid the Global Times said on Saturday the tougher resolution was aimed at preventing war and noted the US had compromised, with no indication the UN could grant the US permission for military action.
“The difference between the new resolution and the original US proposal reflects the will of China and Russia to prevent war and chaos on the Korean peninsula. If the US proposals were accepted, only war is foreseeable,” the Global Times said in an editorial.