(メモ)世界雑感:エチオピア、エジプト、アルゼンチン 世界で起きていることを、さまざまなサイトを通じて 見聞する機会が多くなっているが、最近気になった点を メモる。 ・エチオピア・・・肥沃な土地があるこの国で、近年 ある著しい現象がみられる。政府が外資の導入に積極的で、 インドやヨーロッパから多数の資本が入りこんでいる。目的は 広大な土地を政府がきわめて低価格で貸し出す。資本はそこに 大規模な農作物畑をつくり、きわめて安価な労賃で労働を雇用し そして、販売は海外であれ、国内であれ、外資の自由裁量に 委ねる、という現象である。これにより、多数の伝統的な生活を 送ってきた現地住民が圧迫され、放置されている。 ・エジプト・・・エジプトは「アラブの春」の頃、大衆的な 民主化運動が活発化し、長年続いたムバラク独裁が終焉し、 そして選挙により新たな大統領が選出されたものの、軍部の クーデターで、シシが大統領になり、再度、一層厳しい弾圧が 強行された結果、いまでは、ムバラク時代よりも独裁的弾圧が ひどくなっている。 経済も不振であり、シシは、サウジに、紅海にある 2つの小島の使用を許可する代りに、巨額の援助を得るという契約を 成立させた。これは歴史的にかなり重要な問題を含んでおり、エジプト 国内ではかなり強い反対の感情が芽生えている。 イスラエルは、このあたりに新運河を建設する計画を立てている。 これが実現すれば、エジプトには深刻な問題が発生する。エジプトの 財政の主要部分は依然としてスエズ運河からの収入に依存しているが、 イスラエルの新運河計画は、これと真っ向から競合する場所(ほぼ平行 線上にあるといってよい)に位置するからである。 ・アルゼンチン・・・話は飛んで、南米。アルゼンチンは、経済状況は かなり悪い。政府の腐敗も然りであるが、加えて、今世紀の初めにデフォルト したさいに、巨額の負債をめぐり、債権団との交渉がもめた(アルゼンチン側 が支払いを拒否したりなどした)ことがあったが、あの負債について、債権者側は かなり棒引きを認めたのだが、相当部分をただ同然で買い取ったファンドがあり、それが 支払いの要求をアルゼンチン政府になって行い、そしてそれをめぐり、(故あって) ニューヨークの裁判事件となっていたのだが、裁判でファンドの要求を認める判決を 下したのである。まさしく「禿鷹ファンド」の典型的な行動である。アルゼンチンは こうした問題を抱えたままである。 そうしたなか、上記のエチオピアと似た行動をアルゼンチン政府がとっている。外資に 広大なアルゼンチンの土地を貸出し、外資はそこに大規模な小麦生産を行っている。いまでは伝統的に有名な牛肉よりも小麦生産の方が有名なほどになっている。他方、これにより伝統的な農業生産者は大打撃を受けているのみならず、飛行機が投下される農薬被害に 苦しめられている。 またアルゼンチンの経済的疲弊をきらって、先祖の母国に帰る人々が増えているという ニュースが流れている。アルゼンチンは、ブラジルと異なり、黒人はほとんどいない白人中心の国である。 |
このことをめぐって、MSNBC の主要キャスターのジョーが、激しい非難をトランプに
Joe Asks: Who Raised The People That Boo Senator John McCain? | Morning Joe | MSNBC
2017/09/26 に公開
President Trump has continued his attacks on Senator John McCain over McCain's refusal to accept the GOP effort to repeal and replace Obamacare. Joe Scarborough critiques Trump's stance on McCain. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc
Trump warned: send help or risk making
• President to visit Puerto Rico next week to see Hurricane Maria damage
• Trump tweets about island’s ‘massive debt’ despite growing crisis
Ed Pilkington in New York and David Smith in Washington
Donald Trump will visit Puerto Rico next Tuesday, to see some of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria on the lives of 3.5 million Americans. As the president announced the visit, however, one Democratic congresswoman who was born in Puerto Rico warned that his lack of attention to the disaster so far risked making it “your Katrina”.
Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria – in pictures
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The White House said on Tuesday Trump had also made additional disaster assistance available, “by authorizing an increase in the level of federal funding for debris removal and emergency protective measures”.
But it took the president five full days to respond to the plight of the US territory. When he finally did so on Monday night, his comments on Twitter were so devoid of empathy it threatened to spark new controversy.
Hot on the heels of the billowing
“Texas & Florida are doing
Where is Hurricane Maria heading? Mapping the storm's path
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Trump acknowledged that “much of the island was destroyed” but caustically went on to say that its electrical grid was already “in terrible shape” and that Puerto Rico owed billions of dollars to Wall Street and the banks “which, sadly, must be dealt with”.
The following morning, the president spoke to reporters at the White House before a bipartisan meeting on tax reform. Next Tuesday would, he said, be the earliest feasible day to visit the island, due to the extent of the damage. The island has been “literally destroyed”, Trump said, expressing confidence “they’ll be back”. The people of Puerto Rico “are important to all of us”, he said.
Federal authorities were landing relief supplies “on an hourly basis”, Trump said, adding that he will also stop in the US Virgin Islands, also severely damaged.
Later, at a press conference in the White House Rose Garden, he denied that he had been preoccupied with the NFL issue, insisting that the government has had “tremendous reviews” for its response, which now includes the military. “We understand it’s a disaster, it’s a disaster that just happened,” he told reporters. “The grid was in bad shape before the storm and Puerto Rico didn’t get hit by one hurricane; it got hit by two hurricanes; and they were among the biggest we’ve ever seen.
“We are unloading on an hourly basis massive
Trump added for emphasis: “Everybody has said it’s amazing the job we’ve done in Puerto Rico. We’re very proud of it and I’m going there on Tuesday.”
Trump’s Monday night tweets were the first comments he had made
But for many Puerto Ricans the reality five days after the hurricane struck was that the US president had not been with them. About 700 Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) staff
“At the same time that he was doing all of that, we had American citizens in Puerto Rico who are in a desperate condition,” said Hillary Clinton, Trump’s defeated opponent in the 2016 election, in a radio interview which aired before Trump’s late-night tweets on Monday. “He has not said one word about them, about other American citizens in the US Virgin Islands. I’m not sure he knows that Puerto Ricans are American citizens.”
The Trump administration has refused to waive federal restrictions on foreign ships carrying life-saving supplies to Puerto Rico – a concession it readily made
In the last of his tweets on Monday night, Trump said “food, water and medical are top priorities – and doing well”. On Tuesday morning, while continuing to tweet about the NFL, he wrote: “Thank you to Carmen Yulin Cruz, the Mayor of San Juan, for your kind words on Fema etc. We are working hard. Much food and
Members of Fema’s urban search and rescue team conduct a search operation in Yauco, Puerto Rico. Photograph: Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters
On the island, Governor Ricardo Rosselló, has warned that Puerto Rico is on the brink of a “humanitarian crisis”. In the hard-to-reach interior of the country, thousands are struggling with destroyed houses, a
Many Puerto Ricans desperate to return home to island reeling from disaster
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Earlier on Monday, Rosselló made a point of thanking George HW Bush and former Florida governor Jeb Bush for their calls of support.
Most Puerto Ricans were spared the experience of reading Trump’s tweets as a result of the total blackout. But condemnation was swift in mainland US. Juliette Kayyem, a former senior official in the Department of Homeland Security under Barack Obama, said Trump’s response showed “a lack of empathy of epic proportions”.
On Tuesday Nydia Velázquez, a Democratic representative from New York, said she was concerned that Trump’s continued tweets about NFL players showed he did not grasp the severity of the crisis. Referring to criticism of George W Bush following a hurricane that devastated New Orleans in 2005, she warned the president: “If you don’t take this crisis seriously this is going to be your Katrina.”
Velázquez also said she was “offended and insulted” by Trump’s tweet that Puerto Rico’s public debt contributed to the crisis.
Joe Crowley, another New York Democrat, said it was “absolutely ridiculous” for Trump to mention debt “when people are suffering and dying”.
“Here’s a president who’s used bankruptcy throughout his entire career,” he said.
• This article was amended on 26 September 2017 to show Jeb Bush was the governor of Florida, not Texas as an earlier version said.
Donald Trump waives Jones Act to allow foreign ships to supply Puerto Rico
• US territory in dire need of relief supplies after Hurricane Maria
• Act mandating use of US-owned ships was suspended
Amanda Holpuch in San Juan
The White House on Thursday waived an act that was preventing foreign ships from delivering supplies to Puerto Rico, more than a week after Hurricane Maria devastated the US territory.
The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said in a tweet that Donald Trump had authorized the Jones Act to be waived for Puerto Rico at the request of its governor, Ricardo Rosselló. “It will go into effect immediately,” she said.
Sarah Sanders
At @ricardorossello request, @POTUS has authorized the Jones Act be waived for Puerto Rico. It will go into effect immediately.
September 28, 2017
The Jones Act requires goods sent between US ports to be carried on ships built, owned and operated by the US.
But lawmakers said it slowed the delivery of much-needed aid to Puerto Rico, where millions of Americans do not have electricity, adequate access to clean drinking water or a reliable fuel supply.
The law was suspended in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma to help ships reach Florida and Texas, but the president expressed reluctance to do the same for Puerto Rico.
“We’re thinking about that,” Trump said on Wednesday. “But we have a lot of shippers and a lot of people that work in the shipping industry that don’t want the Jones Act lifted, and we have a lot of ships out there right now.”
Hurricane Maria pushes Puerto Rico's struggling hospitals to crisis point
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The situation in Puerto Rico is dire – few of the hospitals are functioning and about 44% of residents are without clean drinking water, according to the US Department of Defense. There are food shortages and some isolated parts of the territory are still without functioning telecommunications systems. Cash is also running low on the island, where only a few banks are open and lines to withdraw money stretch for hours.
Lawmakers, including Senator John McCain of Arizona, had pushed the government to waive the Act.
McCain sent a letter to the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Elaine Duke, on
公的見解のウソ - 歴史を歪曲
公的見解のウソ - 歴史を歪曲
トランプの先日での国連演説で、泣いて喜んだのはイスラエルのみであった。イランとの核をめぐる合意は、核保有国 (アメリカ、ロシア、中国、イギリス、フランス) もサインしている多国間による合意である。これを廃棄するというトランプの方針は、トランプの孤立主義政策の典型的なあらわれでもあるが、世界をより危険な状況に陥れるものである。
*** メモ
世界史を語るうえで、中東アラブ世界で生じた最も衝撃的な事件は、ナセルによるスエズ運河の国有化 (1956年)であった。アメリカとの融資交渉が決裂した後、アスワン・ハイダム建設資金を確保する目的で行われた。当然、これにたいし、イギリスとフランス(そしてイスラエル)が軍を派遣した。ところが、これにたいしては、アメリカ、ソ連ともに、明確な反対の意思を表明し、英仏軍は撤退をよぎなくされた(第2次中東戦争)。これは、イギリスによる世界覇権という構図がすでに第2次大戦時から喪失していたことが、世界の前に現実的な証拠として提示されたことになり、米ソによる世界覇権の時代の到来を告げるものとなった。以後、アフリカ大陸を中心にイギリスからの独立して新国家を設立する運動が広範に広がり、大英帝国の事実上の解体をもたらすことになった。
このブログでインタビューに応じているこの分野での著名な研究者N. フィンケルスタインが、主張しているのはこの点である。
第3次中東戦争 (1967年) は、この目的をもってイスラエルが仕掛けた戦争、というのが彼の主張で、公的見解になっていたイスラエルの防衛戦争という考えを真っ向から否定している。イスラエルは、短期間 (6日間) で、シナイ半島、ゴラン高原、ヨルダン川西岸、ガザ地区を占領することに成功した。アラブ側の空軍機は、不意打ちをくらい、出撃することなくことごとく破壊された。
その後を継いだのが、サダトである。サダト (彼も軍人) が目指したのは、シナイ半島の奪還であった。サダトはこのことを当初から公式に表明しており、2年間、「もしシナイ半島を返さないのであれば、イスラエルを攻撃する」と言い続けていた。イスラエル側は第3次戦争での自信・過信から、その言を過小評価していたが、じつはサダトは、ソ連から携帯可能な地対空ミサイルを入手しており、それにより、イスラエルの戦闘機を撃墜することに成功した。この戦争は第4次中東戦争 (1973年) と呼ばれているが、サダトは、シリアと共同でこの戦闘を始めており、シナイ半島をエジプトが、ゴラン高原をシリアが同時に攻撃するという作戦で臨んでいた。
サダトは、こうしてイスラエル国家を承認した最初のアラブ人になった (1979年)。エジプトはシナイ半島の奪還に成功した。エジプトは急速にアメリカ寄りに傾いていくことになる(これは現在につながっている)。そしてこのことが原因でサダトは1981年、自軍の兵士に暗殺されることになった。
以下の2つのNorman Finkelsteinによる話にはきわめて興味深いものがある。
Six-Day War, 50-Year Occupation: What Really
Happened in June 1967?
2017/06/03 に公開
In the first of an extended three-part interview on the 50th
anniversary of the June 1967 Arab-Israeli war, author and scholar Norman
Finkelstein debunks the enduring myths surrounding that historic confrontation
-- myths that have sustained the ensuing Israeli occupation of Palestinian
Years After Launching June 1967 War, Israel Continues World's Longest Military
2017/06/06 に公開
In the final installment of our three-part special on the 50th
anniversary of the June 1967 war, author and scholar Norman Finkelstein
discusses why the U. S. -backed "peace process" was never meant to end
the Israeli occupation, and how, despite the ongoing brutality, mass Palestinian
civil resistance could still bring it to an end.
トランプのメンタル・イルネス疑念 トランプの言動が異常であるのは、だれの目にも明らかである。 彼は、気に入らないと、閣僚であろうが、だれかまわず、公の場(ツイートと会見、それに彼特有の選挙遊説的場)で、個人的に名をあげて激しい批判を続ける。これは彼が 大統領になってから経常的に続けられており、その結果、政権に一員になって辞任・解雇に追い込まれた数は記録的である。 ただ、彼には1つのスタンスはある。外国の金づるにたいしてはきわめて好意的な姿勢をみせているのと、ネオ・ナチや白人優越主義者にたいしてきわめて肩入れをしていること、これは確かである。 それ以外にたいしては、共和党の議員であろうとなかろうと、当たるを幸いに侮蔑の言葉を投げることを、まるで生きがいにしているようにふるまっている。 最近、生じているのはフット・ボールの選手が国歌斉唱のさいに、起立をしないで、人種差別的発言と行動を続けるトランプへの抵抗の意思を示して膝をついたままの行動をとったことをやり玉にあげて、「こんな野郎は、即刻首にしろ!」的ツイートを発している。 *** トランプの行動を見ていると、彼には国民にたいする愛情というようなものがまったく感じられないことに気づく。これほどステーツマンからかけ離れたアメリカ大統領はかつていなかったことであろう。アメリカ第1とか言ってはいるが、言葉に愛情がこもって使っている感じはまるでみられない。彼は自分以外はすべて蔑視しても当然だと言うような遺伝体質が組み込まれているような気がする。 こうしたことは、すでに以前からアメリカでは相当に話題にのぼってきている問題である。アメリカの法では、大統領が精神的その他で大統領職を継続するに値しない場合に、副大統領の判断と下院での決議によって、罷免することができる。 とくにこの点で興味深いのは、精神科医のグループがトランプの言動を観察して、精神的に深刻な問題があるから、彼を罷免する署名活動を行ってきている、というのがある。 下記がそれである。 *** Petition Declaring Trump Mentally Ill Pushes for Signers Posted Aug 07, 2017 The group "Duty to Warn," founded by influential psychotherapist Dr. John Gartner, has gathered nearly 60,000 signatures on a petition calling for the removal of Donald Trump from office due to "serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States." The group hopes to reach its goal of 75,000 signatures before planned multi-city town hall meetings on October 14. The petition takes place in the context of mental health organizations struggling to clarify their positions on the ethics of their members publicly commenting on the mental health of public officials. Historically, the "Goldwater Rule," as it became known, refers to a rule from the American Psychiatric Association's Principles of Medical Ethics forbidding its members to comment on the mental health of public figures. Recently, the American Psychoanalytic Association issued a statement saying that its members should feel free to comment on public figures' mental health, but should refrain from offering official diagnosis. A news article This in turn led to a statement from Against this background of many organizations, all with the acronym "APA," drawing different lines for their members' ability to "comment on" and/or "diagnose" public figures, these same organizations have versions of rules allowing members to disclose confidential patient information when withholding this information would put people at risk. For example, the American Psychological Association Ethical Standard 4.05 writes that "Psychologists disclose confidential information without the consent of the individual only as mandated by law, or where permitted by law for a valid purpose such as to... This is a psychologist's duty to warn—most will have heard of this rule in the context of mandatory reporting of child abuse. Now the organization Duty to Warn applies this same logic to commenting on the mental health of Donald Trump, with its Facebook page writing that "Donald Trump is too seriously mentally ill to competently discharge his duties as president and must be removed according to the 25th Amendment." The group and its petition have reached the public ear in such spaces as the Daily Kos, USA Today, New York Magazine, Salon.com, and many more. Now the group is making a push for signatures before multi-city town hall events, scheduled for October 14, 2017 in Atlanta, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Chattanooga, Chicago, D.C., Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, and San Francisco (with additional cities possibly added). The petition in its succinct entirety reads as follows: We, the undersigned mental health professionals (please state your degree), believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States. And we respectfully request he be removed from office, according to article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Editor's Note: The original headline of this article, "60,000 Psychologists Say Trump Has 'Serious Mental Illness,'" has been updated. 実際 360万件と出てくる。 次のサイトでは、この問題をめぐってパーソナリティによる 激しい発言が飛び出している。「ヤング・トルコ」という番組である。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3uhxLostrQ Republicans Discuss Removing Trump For Mental Illness The Young Turks 2017/08/21 に公開 Should Trump be removed from office for mental illness? Take our poll at: http://tytnetwork.com/25th Is this the right way to get Trump out of the White House? Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. http://www.tytnetwork.com/join "President Donald Trump‘s controversial decisions in the wake of the Charlottesville attack have led to renewed questions |
(メモ) アメリカの現状 -所得格差、ミドル・クラスの衰退
アメリカの現状 -所得格差、ミドル・クラスの衰退
アメリカに見られるこの傾向は、「ミドル・クラスの衰退」としてよく知られている現象である。かつては、快適な住まい、2台の乗用車を有し、そして子供を大学に入れ、恵まれた給与と、確実な年金を保証されている人々 -これがミドル・クラス -が、アメリカ社会・経済の中心的な存在であった。ところが、この30年のあいだに、こうしたミドル・クラスが著しい衰退状態に陥ってしまっているのである。
もう1つ、ふしぎな現象がみられる。ある調査によると、アメリカ人の40%は緊急時に2000ドル (20万円) を用意できないのである。アメリカ人の大多数は貯蓄がほとんどできないどころか、マイナスにすらなっている、という。

トランプのロシアによる選挙妨害活動への関与をめぐる捜査は、 特別検察官ミュラーによるものが最も強力である。 ミュラーは、 グランド・ジュリー( 大陪審制度) の導入、 FB Iとの捜査協力、 さらにIRS (Internal Revenue Service) との協力関係を強化していることがよく知られている。 IRSは税調査のスペシャル集団で、 目的とするのは、 トランプおよびその周辺の黒い租税回避問題の徹底調査である。 トランプ自体、 Tax Return (所得税の納税申告) をのらりくらりとした発言を繰り返すばかりで公表していない。 ここに徹底的にメスを入れるということ( そしてそれはロシアやウクライナのオリガルヒとの取引といった問題に及ぶことは必至である) 。
トランプが罷免することができない人物がいる (ミュラーを罷免することは、制度的にはトランプは可能である。しかし、上記のようにミュラー陣営は多くの防御線を張っており今となってはきわめて難しい状況になっている)。ニューヨークのアターニー・ジェネラルのシュナイダーである。彼はトランプとは以前からかなり対立関係にあり、厳しくトランプの違法租税行動の調査を続けている。そしてミュラーとも連携関係にあるのである。
気に入らない相手を名指しで非難する、ことは日常茶飯事である。昨日も、突然、ヒラリーが登場し、Crooked Hillary と叫んでいた。
attacks McCain and other Republicans over healthcare failure
President says veteran Republican senator has ‘let Arizona down’
McCain seemed to have dashed GOP hopes of repealing Obamacare
Ben Jacobs in Hunstville,
Donald Trump went on the attack on Twitter on Saturday morning over the
latest failure of the Republican-controlled Senate to pass healthcare reform.
'All hands on deck': protesters to target
healthcare bill at rallies across US
Read more
In a series of tweets starting at 6.42am, the president attacked Senator
John McCain, whom he said had “let Arizona down”; goaded wavering Republicans in an attempt to
persuade them to come on board; and praised Graham-Cassidy, the current and
controversial plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
On Friday, McCain seemed to quash
Republican hopes to push Graham-Cassidy through the Senate before a 30 September
deadline, after which it would require a 60-vote super-majority to pass, on the
way to making good on a seven-year promise to undo Barack Obama’s signature
domestic reform.
In a surprise statement, McCain, the 2008
Republican presidential nominee, said: “I cannot in good conscience vote for
the Graham-Cassidy proposal. I believe we could do better working together,
Republicans and Democrats, and have not yet really tried.”
McCain joined the Kentucky conservative Rand Paul in stating his intention
to vote against the bill. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska,
moderates who joined McCain in voting down the last attempt
at Senate reform, have not confirmed their position, although Collins said on Friday she
was “leaning against” it. Republican Senate
leadership can only afford to lose two votes to pass Graham-Cassidy before 30
At a Friday night rally on behalf of
Alabama senator Luther Strange, who is facing a close primary runoff on
Tuesday, Trump said McCain’s opposition to the new bill was “totally
unexpected” and “terrible”.
“It was sad,” the president said. “We had a couple of other senators, but
at least we knew where they stood. That was really a horrible thing, honestly.
That was a horrible thing that happened to the Republican party.”
He amplified his criticism on Saturday, first tweeting: “John McCain never had
any intention of voting for this bill, which his Governor [Doug Ducey] loves.
He campaigned on Repeal & Replace. Let Arizona down!.”
Trump continued: “Arizona had a 116% increase in ObamaCare premiums last
year, with deductibles very high. [Senate minority leader] Chuck Schumer
sold John McCain a bill of goods. Sad.”
Referring to Graham-Cassidy’s proposed transfer of healthcare
administration away from the federal government, he added: “Large Block Grants
to States is a good thing to do. Better control & management. Great for
Arizona. McCain let his best friend LG down!”
“LG” was a reference to the South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, a close
friend of McCain and a co-sponsor of the new bill with Bill Cassidy of
Louisiana. The proposal would eliminate the expansion of Medicaid, the federal
program that provides access to healthcare for low-income Americans under the
ACA. It would also enable states to circumvent ACA requirements for coverage of
pre-existing conditions.
John McCain says he can't vote for
Republican plan to replace Obamacare
Read more
Trump targeted two other Republicans. “I know Rand Paul and I think he may
find a way to get there for the good of the party!” he wrote. The Kentucky
senator opposes Graham-Cassidy from the right, believing it leaves too much of
the ACA in place.
He also tried to win Murkowski round. “Alaska had a 200% plus increase in
premiums under Obama Care, worst in the country. Deductibles high, people
angry! Lisa M comes through,” Trump wrote.
Murkowski has been viewed as the GOP skeptic most likely to change her
vote. Republican leaders reportedly promised huge concessions
for Alaska.
Despite Trump’s tweets, efforts to pass Graham-Cassidy by the end of the
month have stalled. On Friday Senator Joni Ernst, of Iowa, admitted: “I’ll be honest, it
seems unlikely that we’ll be voting on this.”
The result is that any healthcare legislation in the near future is likely
to be far more modest in scope and will require bipartisan support to reach the
60-vote supermajority needed to avoid a filibuster. There are currently 52
Republican senators and 48 Democrats and allied independents.
The Investigations
Trump Can’t Stop
Presidential pardons offer
no protection from state prosecutions
New York Attorney General
Eric Schneiderman has spearheaded several investigations into the financial
interests of Donald Trump and people close to him. (Courtesy Schneiderman’s
Posted Jul 27, 2017 5:05
President Donald Trump
might be able to pardon everyone he wants — possibly even himself. But that
would not end his legal troubles.
Trump already fired FBI
Director James B. Comey amid an investigation into allegations of collusion
between his campaign and Russia. He has attacked Attorney General Jeff Sessions, raising questions about whether
he intends to try to remove Robert S. Mueller III, the special
counsel appointed by the Justice Department to head the Russia probe.
The president and his
lawyers have also reportedly discussed whether he could pardon family members
and aides caught up in the Russia investigation.
But Trump has no
control over state and local-level probes looking into the financial interests
of his businesses, his family and his aides. And he can’t fire state and local
prosecutors or issue pardons for state crimes.
The state investigations
have been developing for months, largely overshadowed by probes
by Congress, the FBI and the Justice Department. If state and local
prosecutors lose confidence in their federal counterparts, they could become
more aggressive, legal experts say.
“If they think the federal
government is not enforcing the law, they will step in,” said Caroline
Fredrickson, president of the American Constitution Society, a
liberal legal organization.
Some conservative critics
suggest that such investigations are politically motivated. They point out
that most — if not all — of the probes so far have been
spearheaded by prosecutors who are Democrats. Some of the same
prosecutors have joined in challenges to Trump administration policies, such
as his ban on visitors to the United States from some predominantly Muslim
“It’s up to the attorneys
general who have been activists in many respects to explain why the sudden
interest in Mr. Trump, other than the fact that he is our president and he is
in the opposition party,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a
conservative watchdog group that has called on the Trump administration to
appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton.
Some legal scholars also
say investigations targeting Trump could create a dangerous
“Central to the rule of law is the principle
that prosecutors may not employ their inquisitorial arsenal against political
adversaries,” Frank Bowman, a law professor at the University of Missouri in
Columbia, wrote on Slate.com this week. “The ethos of
prosecutorial restraint protects us all. If liberals abandon it in pursuit of
Trump, they will have no ground of complaint if he, or some even less savory
successor, unleashes prosecutorial power against his political foes.”
However, other legal
experts and liberal groups say Trump’s myriad financial and business interests
pose legal questions unlike any president before, and that state and local
prosecutors are obligated to enforce the laws in their jurisdictions. Those
obligations would be compounded if Trump acted to quash the investigations on a
federal level.
Trump has pushed the
boundaries of what is acceptable, “and beyond that, he has really violated
constitutional norms,” Fredrickson of the American Constitution Society said.
“We have a vital need for
attorneys general to step up and enforce the rule of law,” she said. “I don’t
think any of this is political. It’s patriotic.”
Jed Shugerman, a Fordham
Law professor who has written about Trump’s various
legal entanglements, said the connections being made to foreign policy and political
decisions are “widespread and deep” — and unprecedented.
“This is not just money
corruption,” he said. “It is fair to ask questions about whether this degree of
entanglement of financial control, and potentially who knows what else they
have on him, destabilizes global security and enables the increasing power of
authoritarianism and dictatorship around the world.”
The Big Apple
Much of the action so far
has been centered in New York, where Trump has a long and rocky relationship
with the state’s Democratic attorney general, Eric Schneiderman.
The veteran prosecutor has
been the target of Trump’s caustic tweeting for many years.
New York attorneys general
have a history of striking out on their own in the face of federal inaction — a
legacy that a Schneiderman predecessor, Eliot Spitzer, contributed to by taking
on New York’s financial industry more than a decade ago.
The New York Office of the
Attorney General was the first to file a civil suit for alleged fraud by Trump University.
Trump agreed to a $25 million settlement in that case and two separate class
action suits related to the same allegations late last year, though he has
repeatedly denied culpability and claimed the case was politically motivated.
Since the November
election, Schneiderman’s office has reportedly beefed up its staff devoted to
investigating public corruption and fighting White House policies.
His new hires include
Howard Master, an assistant U.S. attorney who worked on public corruption cases
under former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara of the Southern District of New York.
The move was widely interpreted to signal that Schneiderman planned to pick up
on investigations Bharara started before he was controversially fired by
Trump in March.
Some congressional
Democrats have also prodded Schneiderman to take up investigations into
Kremlin connections to the Trump campaign, cases under his jurisdiction because
of Trump bank accounts and businesses that are located in New York.
The office has several
open investigations connected to Trump, Schneiderman spokeswoman Amy Spitalnick
confirmed this week. Those include probes into the Donald J. Trump Foundation,
the Eric Trump Foundation and Trump’s personal lawyer, Jay Sekulow. According
to media reports, prosecutors are looking into allegations that state laws
governing the use of charitable contributions may have been violated.
The office is also looking
into the activities of Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman.
Lawmakers on Capitol Hill also want to talk to Manafort about possible Russian
influence during the 2016 campaign, among other issues.
Manhattan District
Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. has also reportedly begun preliminary
investigations into Manafort’s real estate activities. A spokeswoman from
Vance’s office declined to comment.
More to come?
Legal experts say other
offices are likely considering whether they have jurisdiction to open
investigations of their own.
That could be done through
statutes that give states broad powers to investigate corporate wrongdoing,
said Shugerman, the Fordham Law professor.
And state civil lawsuits
against Trump or his associates might turn up material — such
as Trump’s income tax records — that could feed criminal
investigations, he said.
Already, the Democratic attorneys general in
Maryland and Virginia have filed a civil suit against Trump, saying that payments to
Trump’s businesses from foreign governments violate anti-corruption clauses in
the constitution.
“There are so many
different state statutes and state powers that come into play,” Shugerman
IRS Internal Revenue Service
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reports Paul Manafort took notes in the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians,
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Robert Mueller has reportedly
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audit of his life. One error could result in big consequences for the president.
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