フランス首相の行動 - 独仏関係にひび この記事によると、最近のフランス首相の取っている行動は、EUにもう1つの大きなひびを 入れるようなものになっている。 ヨーロッパ統合の歴史において、近年生じている大きな変化は、ユーロ危機への 対処から生じている。この対処の過程でいつしか、ドイツだけが抜け出し、フランスは 何かその尻に敷かれたような状態になってしまっていた。目立つのはメルケルで、サルコジの 時代はまだ「メルコジ」という言葉があったのだが、いまではオランドにはそうした 言葉もない。彼が大統領に選ばれたときは、メルケルに対抗する勢力のリーダーを期待されて いたことを思い出すといいであろう。 *** そして昨秋あたりから生じていること、それはメルケルの力が中東難民問題により、 急激な低下をみせており、かと言ってそれを助ける勢力はブリュッセル以外には なくなっているということである。だが、ブリュッセルはあくまでも官僚機構であり、 選挙によって選ばれているのではない。それが大きな顔をしている、という反発は EU内に広がる諸国民の大きな不満となっている。これはEU自身の責任でもある。 というのは、ソ連の崩壊以降、EUは市場の拡大を専ら追求し、なりふりかまわずに 東欧圏をメンバー国に組み入れたからである。図体が大きくなりすぎて諸国民からみて 関係のない機構にブリュッセルはみえている。 *** そこにきて、この記事が指摘している問題である。つまり、フランスはドイツと距離を おき、そしてロシアとの関係をかなり意識的に優先しているかのようにみえる行動を とっているという点である。指摘されているのは、先日のミュンヘンでのシリア和平合意 (守られていないが)のさいに、首相ヴァルは、「フランスはこれ以上の難民を受け入れない」 と公表したこと、さらにメドヴェージェフとの友好関係を強調する行動をとったこと である。ドイツと異なり、ロシアのシリアでの攻撃にたいする批判はまったくなかったと書かれている。 さらにフランスは昨秋合意された難民の割り当てで、じつはほとんど受け入れを実行していないという 事実も書かれている。メルケルの考えにまったく反対する姿勢を実績が示している。 *** これらの行動にオランドが承認を与えているのか、それとも黙認しているのか不明だが、 後者であるのかもしれない。ヴァルと外務大臣とはかなり仲が悪いようである。 *** ヨーロッパ統合の歴史の原点は、独仏を恩讐のかなたにおくところにあった(冷戦体制の 始まりという論点はさておくとして)。 東西ドイツの統合は、ミッテランやゴルバチョフの 後押しがあったからコールは実行することができたし、マーストリヒト条約は ミッテランが主導してコールを説得したものでもある。 こうした歴史がすっかり過去のものとなって、フランスの占める役割がすっかり 減退してしまっている。 そうした折り、このヴァル首相の行動はEUに大きな問題を投げかけることになる 可能性がある。 *** いまのイギリスのメディアは、キャメロンのEU再交渉にほとんど没頭しているかの ようである。いまこのような問題を論じている時ではないのが現在のEUなのである。 *** まもなくドイツでは重要な地方選挙が行なわれる。世論調査では極右の政党が躍進しており、国内でも メルケルの地位は脅かされている現状にある。わずか半年のあいだにメルケルの権威は 劇的な低下をみせている。 そして政治的に、ユーロ危機、難民危機はEU内に極右、ナショナリズムの大きな台頭をもたらす という、6年前には考えられなかった事態が現出してしまっているのが、いまのヨーロッパである。 *** For Europe’s sake, Paris must rebuild bridges with Berlin Natalie Nougayrède Natalie Nougayrède By cosying up to Russia, the French prime minister imperils the EU’s key relationship. If that falls apart, we all lose Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (R) shakes hands with his French counterpart Manuel Valls (L) In Munich ‘Manuel Valls [left] ostentatiously paraded his friendship with the Russian prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev’. Photograph: Dmitry Astakhov/AFP/Getty Images Thursday 18 February 2016 20.30 GMT Last modified on Thursday 18 February 2016 22.01 GMT Share on Pinterest Share on LinkedIn Share on Google+ Share on WhatsApp Shares 18 Comments 154 Save for later It came out of the blue – while most eyes focused on Britain’s efforts to renegotiate its relationship with the EU – more bad news for Europe. At the very time when Angela Merkel finds herself in dire straits, she was wilfully undermined by the French prime minister, Manuel Valls, as he visited Munich for a security conference. First, Valls made clear that France could not take any more refugees than it has already agreed to, and that it would refuse the European-wide permanent relocation scheme Merkel has been trying to promote. Then he very ostentatiously paraded his friendship with the Russian prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, with whom he shared a panel and lunch. This occurred just weeks after the Kremlin’s propaganda machine launched a full-on attack against Merkel; an obvious attempt to weaken her and play on European divisions. Advertisement The Germans were furious, for they believe that if there is one taboo that shouldn’t be broken in Europe, it is the sanctity of the Franco-German relationship which has been, since the 1950s, at the heart of the EU project. It has been under pressure before. But is it now unravelling? This is not to say that France and Germany never disagree, or that they aren’t meant to. But the underlying philosophy of the European project was always rooted in the Franco-German duopoly. It rested on the notion that, when things get rough in Europe, the two largest continental powers, which have worked hard over decades to overcome the darkest chapters of history, should at least make an effort to stand side by side. And this had mostly been the case since the refugee crisis broke out. Even on the eurozone conundrum, a common path forward was found between France – more open to Greece’s problems – and Germany, with its stricter disciplinary take on Greek behaviour. There was also relative harmony on Ukraine. France considers extending national state of emergency Read more It’s true that, these days, the Franco-German engine within Europe is not quite what it was – that’s inevitable considering Germany’s economic clout compared with France’s relative sluggishness. But were the engine to stall, or die completely, it would all but kill the EU’s hope of addressing its challenges. Valls’s manoeuvring was shameful and highly damaging, but it was also baffling because, generally, he casts himself as a strong pro-European. He refers to his Catalan origins and his family’s history of resisting against Franco during the Spanish civil war. Recently, he has also been saying the right things about Europe. Last month, in Davos, he warned that Europe was in danger of “dislocation” and of “pulling out of history”. Advertisement Valls is well aware of France’s need to reform economically if it is to remain a key player in Europe. He was appointed prime minister by President Hollande in 2014 partly to try to salvage France’s credibility among its European partners – not least the Germans. They have long been angered by France’s incapacity to respect its EU deficit targets, yet decided last year to shield the country from the European commission’s wrath because they worried that might provide a boost to Marine Le Pen and her far-right Front National. With that in mind, Merkel reasonably expected solidarity from the French. She will now have lowered her expectations. The refugee crisis has isolated the German chancellor, both domestically and in Europe. The central and eastern Europeans have teamed up within the Visegrád group against her open-arm policy towards those fleeing war. She is struggling, almost singlehandedly, to get Turkey to cooperate in stopping the human flow coming across the Aegean sea. She also faces three regional elections next month, and polls indicate the German far-right populists are on the upsurge. Germany has taken in over a million refugees in 2015 alone. By contrast, France has given asylum to only 10,000 Syrians since the beginning of the war in 2011. Of the 30,000 refugees France agreed to accept last September, only a few hundred have arrived so far. Most refugees dream of a future in Germany, Britain and northern Europe, rather than France, where unemployment is high, but the French have hardly earned the right to criticise others. If the visuals between Valls and Medvedev in Munich were worrying, so too were the discussions. The French prime minister said little about how Russia has been bombing civilians in Syria and leading the attack on Aleppo from the air, a humanitarian catastrophe that is fuelling more refugee flows to Europe. Nor did he point out how much this flies in the face of diplomatic efforts. Meanwhile, Merkel’s envoy to the security conference, Norbert Röttgen, was publicly sending dire warnings about Russia’s behaviour. Some European officials insist that Valls was merely being Valls – a former interior minister obsessed with France’s security problems since the 2015 terrorist attacks. Others say he was seeking narrow domestic advantage: by damaging relations with Merkel, he was making it harder for the new French foreign minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault – a proclaimed Germanophile who Valls dislikes – to get on with his task. But whatever the explanation, Paris would do well to rebuild bridges with Berlin – and fast. Merkel has kept silent over this pitiful episode, but don’t think the damage isn’t real. |