
組織としてのEUの分裂状況の現在 -イタリアとハンガリーのケース

イメージ 1

組織としてのEUの分裂状況の現在 -イタリアとハンガリーのケース

イタリア ― マフィアと政治家の癒着問題


 3月の総選挙では、既成政党は惨敗し、反体制を売り物にしてきた「5つ星運動」がトップの票数を確保し、同じく大きく伸びた極右「同盟」(「北部同盟」が改名した)とのあいだで連立政権を模索するという状況になっている。成立すれば、反EUの立場の政権になることは確実である (脱退はしないまでも)。

イタリアはそれでも(ドイツ、フランスに次いで。イギリスは脱退を決めているので除外する) EU第3位の経済規模を誇る国である。かつては、ローマ条約や、マーストリヒト条約においてもコールを説得したのは、ミッテランとアンドレアッティであった。が、21世紀になってからは、EUの重要な政策決定は、ドイツとブリュッセルに移り、ほとんどイタリアが表に出てくることはない状況になっている。

ハンガリー -独裁化傾向のさらなる強化

第2の記事は、ハンガリーの政治状況を伝えるものである。先日の総選挙でオルバンは圧倒的な勝利を収めたが、それにより、ハンガリーはオルバンによる独裁化が一層強まる方向に向かっている。その1つの象徴的出来事が、外国から資金援助を受けて (オルバンの独裁傾向に批判的な) NGOへの取り締まり弾圧を強化する法律制定運動である。オルバンはその際に、とくにかのソロスが支援するNGOを大きく攻撃のトップにあげて選挙活動を行ってきていた。ソロスはハンガリー生まれのユダヤ人で、90年代初期に、イギリスが通貨同盟に加盟するべく進めていたERMにたいし、ポンド売りでついにはイギリスをERM
 ブリュッセルは、ハンガリーの独裁化傾向にたいしては再三警告を発してきている。が、実際には実効ある処置がとれないままで現在に至っている。そのうちに、ポーランド、チェコ、スロヴァキアでも同様の傾向が顕著になり、いまではこれら諸国は、東欧の一大勢力となり -ヴィシェグラード - ブリュッセルの権威は失墜が著しい (とりわけ、2015年からの難民の膨大な流入問題にたいする対策において、ブリュッセルは事実上、組織としての力の喪失を明確に見せるに至っている。

ブリュッセルは巨大な官僚機構である。行政的な執行力をメンバー国にたいしてふるうことには限界がある。それに何よりもEUは地政学的な動きを取り過ぎてきた結果、肥大化してしまって動きがとれなくなっている (バルカン諸国をメンバーに組み入れるなど)。


Eight jailed in Italy over secret talks between state officials and mafia
Five-year case has thrown light on one of the murkiest chapter’s in Italy’s recent history
Lorenzo Tondo in Palermo
Fri 20 Apr 2018 21.59 BSTLast modified on Fri 20 Apr 2018 22.16 BST

A court in Italy has convicted eight men, including mob bosses, police investigators and a close associate of Silvio Berlusconi, over a secret attempt to negotiate with the Sicilian mafia in order to end a bloody bombing campaign in the 1990s
After the verdict, members of the public cheered the prosecutors. Eight men were handed jail sentences ranging from eight to 28 years, including three former heads of the security police department – Mario Mori, Giuseppe De Donno and Antonio Subranni – and the co-founder of Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party, Marcello Dell’Utri.
The five-year case has thrown light on one of the murkiest chapter’s in Italy’s recent history: secret talks held between who were seeking to overturn harsh anti-mafia laws.
As part of their campaign to put pressure on the state, the mafia – at the time led by the Corleone family – unleashed a string of bombs and assassinations which killed 23 people including anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino.
Prosecutor Antonino Di Matteo arrives at the court in Palermo. Photograph: Guglielmo Mangiapane/Reuters
“As judges were being blown up, some people in the state helped the cosa nostra,” said prosecutor Nino Di Matteo after the sentence. “This is an historic ruling.”
Di Matteo said the verdict proved that Dell’Utri was the go-between linking the mafia and the new Berlusconi government in May 1994. “The relationship didn’t stop with Berlusconi, the entrepreneur, but arrived at Berlusconi, the politician,” he said.
According to the prosecutors, the Italian officials communicated with mafia “godfather” Totò Riina, who died in prison last November, in the attempt to stop the wave of mafia murders and bombings.
During the contacts with state officials, mafia bosses offered to stop the bombings in return for reduced sentences for jailed mobsters and a review of all convictions.
Dell’Utri was sentenced to 12 years in prison for undermining the state, as were two retired paramilitary police generals and an ex-colonel.
Dell’Utri is already serving a seven-year sentence for tax fraud, false accounting and acts of conspiracy with the Sicilian mafia.
A convicted killer for the Corleone mafia family, Leoluca Bagarella, was handed 28 years and Antonio Cina, another high-ranking Corleone mobster, got 12 years. Both are already in prison.
The Corleone bosses of that period, Salvatore “Toto” Riina and Bernardo “the Tractor” Provenzano, are dead.
In a statement, Berlusconi denied ever having anything to do with the mafia and said his governments fought against organized crime.
The report includes material from AP

Crackdown prompts Soros's Open Society to quit Budapest
Grantmaking body acts after civil society restrictions planned by re-elected PM Viktor Orbán
Daniel Nolan in Budapest
Fri 20 Apr 2018 14.31 BSTLast modified on Fri 20 Apr 2018 22.00 BST

George Soros’s Open Society Foundations has revealed plans to close its Budapest office ahead of a crackdown on civil society by the right-wing government of the re-elected Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán.
Employees were told on Thursday that the organisation, which distributes grants to local civil society groups, will close or drastically reduce operations at its office in the Hungarian capital in July and relocate to Berlin by August, the Guardian has learned from multiple sources.
The Guardian view on George Soros: the best of the 1%

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“You might understand if I don’t cry my eyes out,” Orbán said in his regular radio interview on Friday. Since his Fidesz party won a two-thirds majority in parliament this month, Orbán has claimed a political mandate to push ahead with a new law targeting NGOs with foreign funding.
The Open Society Foundation, founded by the billionaire philanthropist, said in a statement on Friday it was “closely watching developments around draft legislation that would dramatically restrict the activities of civil society in Hungary”. Its office in Budapest employs about 100 staff and oversees funding to other central and eastern European countries.
The proposed “stop Soros” law, which parliament will discuss next week, would enforce a 25% tax on foreign donations to NGOs that back migration to Hungary and allows the interior ministry to reject groups that work on migration-related issues on a national security basis after vetting by security agencies.
Voices in Hungary’s shrinking civil sphere say the legislation is designed to silence organisations troublesome to Orbán, who has in recent years been increasingly hostile to Soros.
The overwhelmingly anti-immigration-focused election campaign that returned Orbán’s Fidesz government to power this month presented Soros as the personification of open border policies.
Since entering Hungary in 1984, the OSF has distributed some $400m in the country _ including to several senior Fidesz politicians and Orbán himself. Its donation of photocopiers to critical samizdat publications played a role in the fall of communism.
“Orbán needed a mythical enemy which cannot really fight back and OSF organisations have been consciously demonised,” said Tamás Bodoky, of the investigative journalism website Átlátszó, an OSF-grantee which is also 50% funded from crowdfunding. 
“The campaign, which has demolished George Soros for over a year, has a dual purpose: to intimidate critical voices and to fund government-friendly coverage from taxpayers’ money. We don’t yet know if this will impact us, since there is no final version of the bill, but we expect that it might affect our funding.
“With the departure of the OSF, both goals have been fulfilled: the organisations supported by Soros have panicked and the government propaganda media can list ‘Soros mercenaries’.”
Márta Pardavi, co-director of the Helsinki Committee, which receives 28% of its annual income from OSF, said: “This move signals how fast the operational context is deteriorating in Hungary.
“We are being attacked for reminding governments that power does have limitations in Europe and people can rely on civil society organisations to protect them when that power is being abused.”