12th (2016)
International Keynes Conference*
The World Economy and Keynes: Past and Present
September 6 (afternoon) and 7
Hitotsubashi University
The main purpose of this conference is to deepen our understanding of the
world economy (past and present) in relation to Keynes’s influence and
Keynesianism, which have been influential from the early 1920s up to the
present day. It will be discussed in terms of the history of economic thought
and economic theory/policy. We will sincerely welcome the collaboration between
the two fields of economics.
This conference is composed of
two areas.
(i) The world
economy: past and present.
Keynes’s influences from various points of view such as history, and economics.
In this
conference, economists with diverse backgrounds are invited to contribute
his/her paper. We are sure that this project should be a great opportunity to
study, examine, and discuss the above themes.
6 September (Tues.)
Opening: Toshiaki Hirai
Session I
Chair: Toshiaki Hirai (Sophia University)
(01) 15:10-15:55
Carlo Cristiano (University
of Pisa)
“The Coming of Keynes to Wall Street, 1931-1939”
Jan Kregel
(02) 15:55-16:40
Atsushi Komine (Ryukoku University)
Research on Keynes: After the Financial Crisis of 2007/8”
Comment: Jiro
Obata (Rissho University)
(03) 16:40-17:25
Asada (Chuo University)
Formalization of Macroeconomic Stabilization Policy in a High-dimensional
Dynamic Keynesian Model with Public Debt Accumulation"
Comment: Ryuzo Kuroki
7 September (Wed.)
Session II
Chair: Sergio Nisticò
(University of Cassino and Southern Lazio)
(04) 10:00-10:45
Atushi Naito (Ohtsuki City College)
“The Relevance of ‘the Euthanasia of the Rentier’ Concept”
Comment: Yasutoshi Noshita (Kokushikan University)
(05) 10:45-11:30
Hirai (Sophia University)
“Keynes and the Postwar World Order Planning
– Internationalism, the British Empire Interests and Pragmatism”
Comment: Carlo Cristiano
Lunch (11:30-13:30)
Session III
Chair: Ryuzo Kuroki( Rikkyo University)
(06) 13:30-14:15
Jan Kregel (Levy Economics Institute of Bard College)
"Keynes and Minsky on Financial Regulation
and Global Financial Fragility"
Comment: Yoshio Watanabe (Meiji University)
Coffee 14:15-14:45
(07) 14:45-15:30
Sergio Nisticò
(University of Cassino and Southern Lazio)
“Keynes's Investment
Theory as a Micro-foundation
Comment: Asahi Noguchi (Senshu University)
(08) 15:30-16:15
Yasuhiro Sakai (University of Tsukuba & Shiga University)
“J.M. Keynes versus F.H.
Knight - How to Deal with Risk,
Probability and Uncertainty”
Comment: Sergio Nisticò
45 minutes per paper. 20 min. for a presenter; 10 min. for a
min. for a presenter's response; 10 min. for general discussion
(*Supported by
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A):
“Economic Thought of
Cambridge, Oxford, LSE and