カタロニアの独立問題 スペインのカタロニアが、スペインから独立するための国民投票を実施しようとしている。 これにたいしスペイン政府は、この行為を違法として、明確な、国民投票阻止の動きを積極化している。投票所の閉鎖や、支持者にたいする逮捕・起訴の恐喝的行動を現実的に行っている。いまのところ、投票に向かうカタロニア人の数は、そのこともあってか、かなり少ないと見られている。 スペインは、EUのなかで、ドイツ、フランス、イタリアに次ぐ経済規模の国である (イギリスはBrexit なので除外)。 EUは、これまで拡大につぐ拡大を続けてきた。とくに21世紀初頭に数多くの東欧圏の諸国を加盟国に組み入れてきた。そしてそのなかには、独裁化に向かう国、もしくは極右政党が大きな勢力になっている国も含まれている(ハンガリー、ポーランド)。さらにウクライナという問題の多い国を自陣に引き入れようとしている(しかし、この国が政治腐敗の著しい国であることは明記されるべきである)。 こうしたなか、イギリスの場合のスコットランド問題や北アイルランド問題のほか、ここにみられるようなカタロニアの独立問題がおひざ元で生じている。EU当局はそれをどう措置するのかに戸惑いを見せている。スペイン政府のとっている行動は民主主義の弾圧なのか、それとも、一種のクーデターとみなして、それを許容するのか。 EUとロシアの関係は、冷却状態におかれている。クリミア、東ウクライナへのロシアの進行を、EUは民主主義、自由にたいする侵害として、経済制裁を実施しているわけだが、こうした問題をどう評価するべきなのかは見解が別れるところである。EUは、ロシアと当初に決めた取り決めをなし崩しに破ってきたため、現在の状況に至っているからである。当初、ゴルバチョフとのあいだで、東欧圏への進出はしない、という取り決めのことである。地政学的にみると、プーチン・ロシアが行っているのは、かつての影響圏内にあった国への介入である。 Catalonia Madrid is determined to prevent an independence vote it regards as illegal Stephen Burgen Catalonia was tense this weekend ahead of an independence referendum that has divided Spain. At the final rally, the Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, said the region was only one step away from independence. “We’ve got this far and we have until Sunday to win,” he told the crowd on Friday evening. “We have overcome an authoritarian state who didn’t want us to get to this point and above all didn’t want us to get here peacefully. But everything they have done has made us stronger.” Madrid has declared Sunday’s referendum unconstitutional and vowed to prevent it taking place. The referendum’s More than 160 of 2,315 schools earmarked as polling stations were occupied by independence protesters on Saturday in an attempt to prevent them being locked up to keep voters out. Police issued an ultimatum to the occupiers, many of them parents and children, instructing them to leave or face arrest. The Catalan national assembly has told people that if their polling station is shut they should form a queue at the door, holding their ballot papers in their hands. The authorities have confiscated voting papers and ballot boxes, raided printers and newspapers accused of aiding the poll, shut down websites and blocked an app explaining how and where to vote. Police have occupied the Catalan data agency, blocked access to the census and are seeking to thwart communication between polling stations. The national data protection agency has warned anyone manning a polling station they face fines of up to €300,000 for breaking the data protection law. Both the European Union and the United Nations have voiced concerns over the manner in which Mariano Rajoy’s Madrid government has sought to ensure the poll does not take place. The clampdown began on 20 September when Guardia Civil officers raided Catalan government offices and arrested 14 senior officials in the regional government, sparking mass protests. The officials were About 18,000 Mossos d’Esquadra officers and 6,000 Policía Nacional and Guardia Civil members are on duty in the region this weekend, and a Spanish government spokesman said “unlimited reinforcements” were available. The regional police “Not just the future of Catalan regional police (Mossos d’Esquadra) The Catalan vice-president, Oriol Junqueras, said that however many people vote, Catalonia will have won the right to be respected and listened to: “It’s inevitable and obligatory the central government sits down to negotiate.” Madrid has said all along that it will negotiate on anything but a referendum. The Catalans offered to cancel the illegal referendum in return for the promise of a legal one. As tensions Sixty lawyers, 70 international observers and 25 psychologists will be on hand. Despite polls indicating that only a minority of Catalans “This is a revolution born from political power and one that represents the most economically powerful Catalan classes,” said Alex Ramos, vice-president of the group Societat Catalana, which opposes independence. “It’s not coming from an oppressed Why do some Catalans want independence and what is Spain's view? Read more The left-wing Barcelona mayor Ada Colau, having said at the outset that the poll lacked the necessary guarantees and was not the referendum the Catalan people deserve, has half-heartedly endorsed the process. She and her supporters have The tone is shrill and the bar for intelligent debate has been set low. Whatever happens, people will wake up on Sunday to a Catalonia that is more divided than ever and a Spain which, just over 40 years after the death of Franco, is experiencing a crisis of democracy. Additional reporting by Sam Jones |